From the Monumental
To the Miniature

Is a multichannel sound artwork triggered via motion sensors is located in the juxtaposition between the monumental and the miniature, to express how culture circulates and articulates, embedded within the architecture, the fibre of the Matagarup Bridge over the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River, Perth Western Australia).    

In collaboration with Whadjuk Elders Dr Noel Nannup and Ms Roma Winmar and the Perth Symphony Orchestra, this artwork explores technologies to privilege the act of the performance of historical textual and oral narratives, going beyond the didactic forms of ‘writing’ history to ‘listening’ to histories that overlap, transform and elicit audience response in the process of making meaning. In the case of Australia, or Western Australia in particular history is made in the plural and these histories are provoked not directed to what Susan Stewart (1999) so eloquently describes as the power to touch, to move and to summon something else. We have conceptualized and realised the artworks within four themes and six distinct sound artworks: EPHEMERALITY & TRANSIENCE, LIFE OF THE RIVER, CONFLICT, CROSSINGS.

Crossing…Sweet water for me is the giver of Life…and for us as Aboriginal people that live in this part of the world, we would want for everyone that passes here, and crosses this bridge over this beautiful water to know and understand that it comes from a very special place and the strong spirit in this place in the South West is feminine… Dr Noel Nannup, Whadjuk Elder, 2018
Project Title:  From the Monumental to the Miniature Artwork Location: Nile Street East Perth WA Year: 2018 Photography: